Love Story of Jane and Michael

 Heart Touching Love Story of Jane and Michael

Jane and Michael were awesome companions. They could talk and talk for seemingly hours, investing all their energy in the telephone. 

Furthermore, when they were addressing each other it resembled there was nothing incorrectly on the planet, they would never be miserable or pitiful in those minutes. 

At some point, Jane messaged Michael and he didn't answer which was generally strange. She attempted again however without much of any result. At last, she called him yet there was no answer. 

A whole day passed and the Michael was not accessible through telephone or text. Jane began getting stressed that something was certainly off-base. 

That subsequent evening, Jane couldn't rest and remained up throughout the late evening stressing and crying. It was then she understood exactly the amount Michael really intended to her. 

The following morning, be that as it may, she got a call. It was the Michael! She was so glad and when she got the call… 

Michael: Hey! 

Jane: I'm so happy to hear from you, what was the deal? 

Michael: I… I was… occupied. 

[Jane realized that something was off yet she couldn't ask.] 


Michael: You know what, we should stop this. We shouldn't talk any longer. 

Jane: [stunned silence] What? Why? 

Michael: Sorry. Bye. 

[Michael cuts the call. Jane can barely handle it, maybe she has lost a piece of her.] 

All their previous discussions began blazing before her eyes. 

She began crying, tears were gushing down her face. 

She was lost and befuddled. 

She felt broken, tragic, and alone. 

She was remaining on the rooftop and needed to hop. 

He was the one for her, why had he done that? 

"Why?!" she shouted as noisily as she could from the rooftop. 

At that point, she concluded she planned to attempt to win him back. 

[She dialed his number] 

Jane: Hey 

Michael: What did you call me for? 

Jane: I need to say something. 

Michael: Go ahead. 

Jane: I needed to say only a certain something… 

[Her voice stifled. "He couldn't care less about me," she thought.] 

Michael: Say it! 

Jane: Are you all right? 


The tears were spilling down her face once more. She hung up, and chose to compose a note, and ran out of the house with it. 

[Six hours passed] 

[Phone rings in Michael's room] 

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It's Janes mother. She reveals to him that Jane got hit by a vehicle when she was en route to see Michael and that she's conceded to the emergency clinic. 

Michael hurried to see her. 

He came to and took her name, she opened her eyes. 

Michael: Please try to remain all right, I'm so heartbroken. 

Jane: Why did you do that? 

Michael: I have a heart condition and I don't have numerous days to live. I would not like to hurt you. 

Jane shuts her eyes, never to awaken again. 

Michael couldn't accept this has happened as a result of him. 

after 10 minutes, Michael gets a coronary episode and passes on from despondency.

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